10 Negara Pengguna Internet di Dunia

petroth.net – Setiap tahunnya, jumlah pengguna internet tumbuh. Ini membuat kita harus tahu negara mana yang paling aktif menggunakan internet. Menurut World Population Review, tahun 2020, orang rata-rata menghabiskan 145 menit setiap harinya online.1

Di Indonesia, pengguna internet menghabiskan waktu lebih lama lagi. Mereka rata-rata online selama 8 jam 36 menit tiap hari.1 Dulu, pada tahun 2012, orang hanya online selama 90 menit setiap harinya. Aktivitas online telah tumbuh 62% sejak itu.1

Key Takeaways

  • Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan pengguna internet secara global telah meningkat 62% dalam satu dekade terakhir.
  • Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan pengguna internet yang menghabiskan waktu terlama, yaitu 8 jam 36 menit per hari.
  • Negara-negara dengan populasi pengguna internet terbesar di dunia menjadi penting untuk dipahami.
  • Data statistik menunjukkan tren penggunaan internet yang terus berkembang secara global.
  • Memahami populasi pengguna internet dapat memberikan wawasan berharga untuk strategi bisnis dan kebijakan.

Overview of Global Internet Usage

Smartphones have been a key factor in the . They have changed how we use the internet. Between 2021 and 2022, 268 million more people started using smartphones.2 This surge has pushed the mobile internet market’s share from 43.7% to 55%2. Experts believe that by 2025, 72.6% of smartphone users will use only their phones to connect.2

Increase in Internet Usage Over the Past Decade

The show a big increase in users. Since 2014, over 1.9 billion more people have come online, a jump of 75%.2 The Internet now has 4.39 billion users, double the number from 2012.2 On average, users spend 6 hours and 42 minutes online every day. This adds up to over 1.2 billion years online for everyone.

Main Drivers of Rapid Growth in Internet Usage

Several factors are behind the . The rapid spread of smartphones is a leading cause.2 The mobile internet market’s share grew from 43.7% to 55% in 5 years.

Between 2021 and 2022, 268 million new smartphone users appeared worldwide2. By 2025, it’s expected that nearly three-quarters of smartphone users will rely solely on their phones to connect.

Countries with the Highest Internet User Populations

China Leads with Over 1 Billion Users

China leads the world in internet users, with over half a billion connecting online. This makes more than half of China’s people.3

India and the United States Rank Second and Third

After China, we see the United States, India, and Japan with many internet users.3 India stands second with 20% of its people online.3 The United States and Russia also are in the top 10.3

The top 10 countries by number of internet users are:

  1. China – 1 billion users3
  2. India – 658 million users3
  3. United States – 307.2 million users3
  4. Indonesia – 204.7 million users3
  5. Brazil – 165.3 million users3
  6. Russia – 129.8 million users3
  7. Japan – 118.3 million users3
  8. Nigeria – 109.2 million users3
  9. Mexico – 96.87 million users3
  10. Germany – 78.02 million users3

Internet User Statistics Across Countries

To get a sense of the world’s internet use, we must look at who uses the web and how many. We define internet users as those who’ve been online in the past 12 months, on any device. And, penetration is a measure of how many people in a certain place go online.

The leading countries in internet users and penetration are:

Country Number of Internet Users Internet Penetration Rate
China 1.12 billion2 79.33%2
India 718.74 million2 54.29%2
United States 323.56 million2 97.48%2
Indonesia 274.2 million4 97.67%4
Brazil 150.41 million2 67.47%2
Nigeria 136.2 million2 66.44%2
Russia 118.45 million2 76.01%2
Japan 116.51 million2 90.87%2
Bangladesh 102.11 million2 62.01%2
Pakistan 83.18 million2 39.25%2

This table gives us a broad look at the world’s internet usage. It points out top nations by users and how many people there use the internet.24

The World’s Largest Internet User Countries

The number of people using the internet globally has grown a lot. It went from just 16% in 2005 to 48% in 2017.1 This huge growth is due to more people using smartphones and better internet services, especially in poorer countries.1

Internet Penetration in Developed and Developing Nations

Richer countries have more internet users, with 81% using the internet by 2017. This was up from 51% in 2005.1 But, even countries that are still developing have seen a big increase. Their internet users went from 8% in 2005 to 41.3% in 2017.1 This shows how the digital world is expanding, bringing more people online and narrowing the gap between rich and poor countries.

Ranking of Countries by Highest Internet Penetration

In North America, nearly everyone is online, with a 97.48% internet usage rate. Europe is not far behind, with 79.6% of its people online, and Oceania/Australia is at 86.54%.1 Iceland leads the world’s countries in internet use with 98.26% of its population online. The United Arab Emirates and Qatar are close, with 94.82% and 95.94%, respectively.1

China is home to the most internet users, with 1.12 billion people online. This is about 79.33% of its population.1 India is next, with 718.74 million users making up 54.29% of its people.1 The United States comes third with 323.56 million users, but with a high 97.48% usage rate. Indonesia follows closely, boasting 274.2 million users and a 97.67% usage rate.1

Country Internet Users (millions) Internet Penetration Rate (%)
China 1,120 79.33%
India 718.74 54.29%
United States 323.56 97.48%
Indonesia 274.2 97.67%
Brazil 150.41 67.47%
Nigeria 136.2 66.44%
Russia 118.45 76.01%
Japan 116.51 90.87%
Bangladesh 102.11 62.01%
Pakistan 83.18 39.25%

This table shows the top 10 countries with the most users and their percentage of internet use.1 It gives a picture of how internet access is spread around the world. These figures are key in understanding where the digital world is growing and how many people it’s reaching.1

Trends in Internet Usage Across Geographical Regions

The world is becoming more connected. Across different parts of the globe, internet use is rapidly increasing.5 This shows how the digital world is growing.

Internet Usage in Asia and Africa

Asia and Africa have seen internet use grow quickly. These areas used to have less internet activity.5 However, from 2005 to 2017, more people started using the internet. In Asia, usage jumped from 9% to 43.9%, and in Africa, it rose from 2% to 21.8%.5 This increase is thanks to cheaper smartphones, better networks, and more people knowing how to use digital tools.

Internet Usage in the Americas and Europe

The Americas and Europe already had more people using the internet.5 Between 2005 and 2017, internet use in the Americas went up from 36% to 65.9%. In Europe, it grew from 46% to 79.6%.5 They’ve had access to technology and good networks, which has helped more people get online.

Former Soviet nations in the CIS region are also catching up online. Their internet use went up from 10% in 2005 to 67.7% in 2017.5 This is a sign of the world coming together digitally, and countries working to make sure everyone can join in.

Impact of Smartphones on Growth of Internet Users

Smartphones have rapidly increased global internet users, changing how we connect online. From 2021 to 2022, 268 million new smartphone users joined.2 This jump helped mobile internet usage grow from 43.7% to 55% in 5 years.2

Projections for Future Growth in Mobile Internet Users

By 2025, experts think 72.6% of smartphone users will use the internet mainly on their phones.2 This shows how important smartphones are for browsing and using digital services around the world.

As phones get better and mobile data gets cheaper, more people will choose to use the internet on their phones.2

Factors Influencing Internet Penetration

Telecommunications networks like broadband and mobile are key for people to use the internet.6 When a country’s income and economy are strong, more people can afford and know how to use the internet.6

Telecommunications Infrastructure and Internet Access

Indonesia’s linking 57 cities project aims to boost internet reach by 2018 end.6 Generally, places with good telecom and wealthier people use the internet more.

Income Levels and Economic Development

In 2023, Indonesia was the third best globally for internet speed at 110.2 Mbps for IPv4 connections6. The country improved its speed yearly showing a consistent increase6. Wealthier countries tend to have more people online because they can afford it and know how to use it.

For 2022-2023, Indonesia’s internet users reached 215.63 million, per APJII research7. A We Are Social report shows by January 2023, 213 million in Indonesia were online, up by 5.44% from the year before7. There’s solid data showing internet use growth in Indonesia from 2000 to 20227.

Sumatra Island, part of Indonesia, had rapid internet growth, linking about 75% of the area’s people online7. It had a GDP bump of 5.93% in early 2019, suggesting tech can boost various sectors there7. In Sumatra, success in internet use is tied to technology, funds, and skilled staff, critical for progress7.

Opportunities and Challenges in the Digital Era

More people connecting to the internet has brought big gains. It offers better access to information, education, health, and work. Yet, going digital also brings new tests around keeping data safe, securing privacy, and making sure everyone benefits fairly.8

Economic and Social Potential of Higher Internet Penetration

Having more internet access opens up a world of opportunities. For instance, in Indonesia, the E-Court project is changing how legal processes work. It allows for online file submissions and hearings, making things faster and more efficient.8 Going digital in Indonesia’s justice system is set to boost effectiveness, cut down paper use, and make managing cases better.8 It also means courts can save money by needing less physical space and making legal info more public, thus lowering dispute costs.8

Issues Related to Data Privacy and Cyber Security

Still, the move to digital comes with tough problems to solve. Key concerns are around keeping our data private and safe from cyber attacks.8 Indonesia faces challenges creating laws that support digital progress fast enough.8 High on their list is bridging the gap between city and countryside access, changing laws as technology rapidly advances, and making sure personal and security worries are addressed.8 Those in charge must deal with these issues to ensure the internet’s powerful changes are safe and reach everyone.

Strategies to Enhance Internet Access Globally

To make sure everyone gets online, we need a plan that covers many aspects. It’s key to spend money on improving our technology infrastructure. This means making our broadband and mobile connections better, especially in places where it’s hard to get online.2

Investments in Telecommunications Infrastructure

Teams from governments, companies, and global groups must work together. This way, we can make big, lasting changes to internet access worldwide. By making our networks better, more people and communities will connect. This is how everyone can join the digital world and grow economically.2

Digital Literacy Programs and Skill-Building Initiatives

Not just infrastructure, but also teaching people how to use the internet is important. We need to offer programs that help communities understand and use the internet’s features. These programs teach skills and knowledge. With these, more people can find their way around online. This helps in getting more people online and making sure everyone is a part of the digital community.2

Working together is a must. Governments, businesses, and global agencies must combine their efforts. Through these partnerships, we improve both technology and education. This will bring us to a world where everyone is connected and has the skills needed for the digital age. We aim for a global community that is both linked and fair.2

Role of Governments and International Organizations

Policymakers are key in creating the rules and putting government policies for internet access into action. They aim to make the internet affordable, reliable, and easy to reach for everyone.9 This involves teaming up at local, regional, and global levels to build strategies, share successful plans, and gather funds to boost global internet connectivity.9

Policies and Regulations Related to Internet Access

Globally, governments have the job of setting up regulatory frameworks for internet connectivity. Their goal is to offer fair and safe entry into the digital world. They deal with various matters, such as investing in communication structures, managing privacy, and enforcing cybersecurity rules.10

Cross-Border Partnerships and Collaboration

Working together internationally is key for dealing with the reach of digital systems. It helps in making rules better, as well as sharing what works best for building a lasting internet presence all over.910 Bringing together the skills and efforts of many different groups, this teamwork pushes forward to connect more people to the internet and make sure everyone is part of the digital world.


This article looked at the top 10 countries using the internet and discussed trends and impacts. The number of people online has grown a lot recently. Since 2014, over 1.9 billion more people have started using the internet. This is a 75% jump in just five years.2

The web is getting more common and important. Dealing with its challenges and making the most of its benefits will be key for worldwide growth. Mobile internet use is climbing fast, thanks to more people having smartphones. It’s estimated that by 2025, more than 72% of the world’s smartphone users will only use the internet on their phones.2

We need to invest in internet networks and teach people how to use the web better. It’s also important for governments, businesses, and non-profits to work together. This will help make sure everyone can benefit from being connected.2 Connecting more people to the internet can open doors for both the economy and society. It can help people and communities all over the globe do better in the internet age.2


How much time does the average person spend on the internet globally?

In 2020, people spent 145 minutes a day, which is about 17 hours a week online.

How much time do internet users in Indonesia spend on the internet per day?

People in Indonesia spend around 8 hours and 36 minutes each day online.

How has the time spent on the internet changed over the past decade?

Between 2012 and now, global internet use per day has increased by 62%.

What has driven the rise in internet usage over the years?

Smartphones have fueled the rise in internet use, making it more accessible to everyone.

How many new smartphone users were added globally between 2021 and 2022?

Across the globe, 268 million new users started using smartphones from 2021 to 2022.

What is the projected growth in mobile internet usage by 2025?

By 2025, 72.6% of the world’s smartphone users will mainly use their phones to access the internet.

Which country has the highest number of internet users in the world?

China is in the lead, with more than half of their population using the internet.

Which other countries have a large number of internet users?

India follows closely with 20% of its people also online. The United States and Russia are in the top 10 too.

What are the top 10 countries by number of internet users?

The top 10 countries are:
1. China – 1 billion users
2. India – 658 million users
3. United States – 307.2 million users
4. Indonesia – 204.7 million users
5. Brazil – 165.3 million users
6. Russia – 129.8 million users
7. Japan – 118.3 million users
8. Nigeria – 109.2 million users
9. Mexico – 96.87 million users
10. Germany – 78.02 million users

How are internet users defined?

Internet users are those who have been online in the past year on any device, including mobile phones.

What is internet penetration and which countries have the highest internet penetration rates?

Internet penetration shows what percent of a country uses the internet. The top 10 and their rates are:
1. China – 1.12 billion users, 79.33% penetration
2. India – 718.74 million users, 54.29% penetration
3. United States – 323.56 million users, 97.48% penetration
4. Indonesia – 274.2 million users, 97.67% penetration
5. Brazil – 150.41 million users, 67.47% penetration
6. Nigeria – 136.2 million users, 66.44% penetration
7. Russia – 118.45 million users, 76.01% penetration
8. Japan – 116.51 million users, 90.87% penetration
9. Bangladesh – 102.11 million users, 62.01% penetration
10. Pakistan – 83.18 million users, 39.25% penetration

How has global internet user population growth varied across different regions?

From 2005 to 2017, global internet use rose from 16% to 48%. Developed countries hit 81%, while developing ones reached 41.3%. North America, Europe, and Oceania/Australia lead with over 79%.

Which countries have the highest internet penetration rates globally?

Iceland, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar notably have very high internet usage rates.

How has internet usage grown in different continents and regions?

In Asia and Africa, more people are now online. The Americas and Europe remain leaders. Ex-Soviet countries have also seen big growth.

How has the rise of smartphones impacted global internet usage?

Smartphones are a big reason more of the world is online. 268 million more people started using smartphones from 2021 to 2022. Now, mobile internet use is over half of all use.

What is the projected growth in mobile-only internet access by 2025?

It is expected that by 2025, nearly three-quarters of all smartphone users will rely only on mobiles to use the internet.

What factors influence internet penetration rates across countries?

Having good telecom infrastructure and affordable internet shape how much a country uses it. Wealth and education levels play big roles too, affecting access.

What are the key benefits and challenges of increased internet connectivity?

The internet brings big advantages like better information, education, and job chances. But, it also raises issues like privacy and who benefits most from online growth.

What strategies can be implemented to enhance global internet access?

Improving infrastructure and teaching people how to use the internet well are key steps. These efforts can help everyone gain from being online.

What is the role of governments and international organizations in improving global internet access?

Governments and global groups can make rules and support projects for cheaper and more available internet for all. Working together is critical to this mission.

Source Links

  1. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daftar_negara_menurut_jumlah_pengguna_Internet
  2. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2019-global-digital-overview
  3. https://berita2bahasa.com/mb2b/berita/05/020186-peta-internet-dunia-kini-ada-lebih-semiliar-situs-sejagat
  4. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-indonesia
  5. https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/jei/article/download/11672/5134
  6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326703881_Impact_of_Internet_Penetration_for_the_Economic_Growth_of_Indonesia
  7. https://j-innovative.org/index.php/Innovative/article/download/8340/5643/13151
  8. https://rechtsidee.umsida.ac.id/index.php/rechtsidee/article/view/1014/836
  9. https://aseanmp.org/category/internet-freedoms/
  10. https://aseanmp.org/tag/disinformation/
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